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Comunicados de Prensa

Incidente de Seguridad en Cathedral Bank y Cathedral Group

Incidente de Seguridad en Cathedral Bank y Cathedral Group

Estimado Cliente, durante los días anteriores, Cathedral Investment Bank / CIB Americas Bank Inc. ha experimentado un incidente de seguridad que fue detectado en contra de nuestra infraestructura, estos ataques fueron hecho en contra del Cathedral Group’s NOC.

Estas acciones afectaron brevemente a algunos de nuestros servicios, incluyendo sin limitar; nuestros servidores FTP públicos, nuestros servidores de correo electrónico, los servidores web y algunos servicios Front-end de nuestro CRM. Sin embargo, los eventos antes mencionados no afectaron nuestra Red Interna y no se comprometió ninguna información del nuestros Usuarios ni ningún Dato interno del Grupo o de nuestras Contrapartes Comerciales. Nuestro equipo de TI ha trabajado las veinticuatro horas del día para normalizar el resto de los servicios afectados.

Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente que esta incidencia pueda haberle causado, si necesita soporte o más información con respecto a los servicios afectados, comuníquese con el Centro Internacional de Atención al Cliente donde será un placer atenderle.

Media Release Security Incident (Oct 8th):


Tuesday June 7th 2016

General Information Statement for Public Distribution

To the General Public.


We hereby inform you that the Cathedral Group has received a series of threats against several members of the Cathedral Group of Companies, its Directives and The Cathedral Investment Bank Itself.

On the last few days an individual has approached several Cathedral Investment Bank’s Executives in Latin America Threatening to act violently against our directors in the region as well as to execute “controlled media releases” including “Online and Social Media Attacks” targeted to the Cathedral Group of Companies in order to obtain a series of wire transfers that are not under the Cathedral Investment Bank control.

The person threatening assured our executives that he is in full control of local Media in Mexico including Newspapers and TV Networks which will act accordingly to his instructions.

Cathedral firmly believes in the integrity of Latin American Media Institutions as a whole, we have a long history of delivering services to the public and other financial institutions.

Libel and Slander are highly punishable by applicable law and violent threats against financial institutions are very seriously considered, we are currently reviewing these threats from a legal standpoint and will act accordingly.

We are glad to serve you if you require any further information on such events please contact us at

Gustave Fendim

 Media and Comunication Outreach Director


Please see the official Press Release here:



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