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8. Correspondence Privacy-Cathedral Investment Bank Offshore



IMPORTANTE: Please note that CATHEDRAL INVESTMENT BANK will never send their customers emails asking to confirm, validate, or update CONFIDENTIAL information regarding their accounts, access codes or passwords. If you receive such emails, please report it to the call center in your area immediately.

• If you are concern about the authenticity of any emails you have received from or on behalf of Cathedral Investment Bank, please notify us immediately through the Call Center.

•If you are enrolled in any of our services that send emails containing confidential information such as account statements; CATHEDRAL INVESTMENT BANK agrees to send it under an encryption systems (encrypted files or emails are protected to the highest available standards.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

• CATHEDRAL INVESTMENT BANK may amend this policy from time to time. If the changes we make are important and directly affect our use of users personal information, we will let you know by placing featured ads in our Website

CATHEDRAL INVESTMENT BANK is not licensed as a broker or a soliciting entity in all jurisdictions around the world. Therefore, the user is responsible for verifying if the services  provided by the institution are available in their area.

Questions or suggestions

If you have questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please email us at:

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