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Proceso para Solicitar Financiamiento

In order for an effective Financing application process of high volume, we have included the following guide in order to help in the integration of information and indeed accelerate the credit application of your project.

Financial and Advisory Project preparation / Company´s Financing Project Presentation

Cathedral Investment Bank offers a pre-diagnosis and correction service of your financial project through Cathedral Provicapital unit.

This unit is responsible for reviewing in detail, the fundamental aspects of your project in order to make the necessary corrections to it, so that the financing is approved without setbacks.

This consulting assessment of 3600 is performed under an evaluation agreement contract with the Cathedral-Provicapital Advisory Unit, who will state hand by hand with you, any adjustments and changes to be implemented in the financing project so the approval is not refused.

The Financing Process evaluation is as follows:

Evaluación Financiamiento

It is important to mention that, you should send us your project so it can be physically evaluated and determine whether you are a candidate or not to receive Cathedral Investment Bank finance services

To send your pre-assessment project, you must include the following:

• Documentation and Project Summary
• Financial Project
• Executive Project
• Specific Financial projections of each area, preferably audited.
• Cost analysis
• Internal Rate of Return Integral Assessment
• Current Investment Value of the project
• Project Current Assets
• Project Permits and legal requirements of its original country

In case of not having this information or portions thereof, Cathedral-Provicapital advisory unit will assist you in developing such information. Please contact a Cathedral advisor for more information.

Cathedral Provicapital has regional evaluation centers in several countries; please contact us at our e-mail address to have assigned your closest financing assessment upon your geographical location, at the following address: