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Cathedral Investment Bank has a diversified and solid financial platform which allows us to provide each client with an endless range of custom made products. They include:

* Wealth Planning Program Management * Management of Wealth Planning Programs * Financial and Investment Consulting Services * Consulting for U.S. Dollars Investments * Consulting for Local Currency Investments * Financial Planning Services * Consulting for Latin American Investments

Due to how Cathedral Investment Bank manages your assets, it does not provide financial loan services directly to customers or corporations.

Request more information to your top executive in Wealth Banking Area.

Cathedral Investment Bank / CIB Americas Bank Inc Is regulated by the Financial Service Unit of the Ministry of Finance on the Commonwealth of Dominica

The information contained on this website should not be interpreted as an offer of products and / or financial services (soliciting). The figures and displayed information in this document is only for informational purposes, Cathedral Investment Bank performs a major effort to keep the data here expressed correctly, updated and faithful, and however these may contain errors in its calculation, sampling and result. For more information read the terms and website conditions.

* Cathedral Investment Bank has physical and commercial presence in different jurisdictions, its ability to deliver services in your area may be restricted depending in its local licensing cathedral may be locally registered as a Financial Intermediary, Foreign Financial Services Company or equivalent, Fund or capital Administrator, Investment Advisor, Limited Partnership, Registered Trade Mark, Service Provider, financial consultant, Insurance Broker or any related figure.
Shall you have any questions regarding the local registration of Cathedral in your region please contact us at
**Cathedral Investment Bank has a very strict Anti-Money Laundering process managed by an independent internal organ and by a third party external consultant that evaluates and analyzes all prospective operations within the institution, for more information please consult us at
***Cathedral Investment Bank reserves the right to deny delivering services to any parties related with illegal activities, criminal activities or any related with ideological and radical behavior or related.


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