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Cathedral Investment Bank has one of the best international groups of market specialists who analyze fundamental and technical aspects of the various instruments that are available to Banks internationally.


Market trends, the regional economic behavior of the instruments in any given market and the possible changes that the market could experience in the short, medium and long term are analyzed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The results of these analyzes help induce changes in the composition of purchase recommendations to Banks and Financial Intermediaries, recommendations are issued to multiple asset classes such as investment funds, hedge funds, futures, derivatives or other global market instruments.

The market changes constantly according to socio-political, micro and macroeconomic factors of the economies where the securities are traded. As a result, Cathedral Investment Bank’s financial analysis area has possibly the most comprehensive market analysis for financial institutions internationally.

Let us advise you, your Bank must be in the hands of specialists.

The great Bank for Banks.



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