Obtaining an Offshore Investment Account has always been one of the most important economical tools to preserve large amounts of capital, safely and confidentially.
Usually the creation of offshore accounts are oriented to individual or familiar current expenditure, by means of remote access, such as credit or debit cards that can be used directly in the client’s current place of residence at the outlets or through the worldwide ATMs networks.In the specific case of Cathedral Investment Bank, you can access to your Investment Account at more than 500,000 ATMs Visa, network points at main banks of the world and at Visa / MasterCard outlets.
By being an account based on offshore jurisdictions controlled by you, through Cathedral Bank (not under the Cardholder’s name), all transactions and operations are completely confidential no matter where and how you use it. These accounts are completely isolated from the client’s jurisdictional financial system so therefore the use of these accounts are not linked to the investment accounts of the client. Usually the Offshore Investment Accounts are linked to an Investment Fund or to some type of account or instrument that provides returns, since the nature of it is that the capital available does not generate any profit more than the same degree of its confidentiality. Cathedral Investment Bank, Offshore Account will allow you to manage your monthly expenses, the same way you actually do with your offshore Accounts, additionally you will be able to transfer completely free your capital from Cathedrals Investments Funds Accounts and your Wealth Accounts.Open your offshore account now
* Cathedral Investment Bank has a strict Anti – Money Laundering preventing process called (Money-Laundering Prevention Program) by an internal autonomous organ and an external risks prevention consultant, that analyzes all its operations and movements, request more information in the area of money laundering preventing program support at; mlpp@Cathedralbank.com ** Cathedral Investment Bank reserves it’s right on limiting the opening of accounts or the offering of services to criminal and irregular activities or those who are linked to illegal, radical or ideologist activities.Cathedral Investment Bank / CIB Americas Bank Inc Is regulated by the Financial Service Unit of the Ministry of Finance on the Commonwealth of Dominica
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